Saturday , 27 July 2024

Category Archives: Persuasion

Are Limiting Beliefs Your Permanent Reality? How A Simple Question Can Change You and Those Around You

More questions from Dave Frees to help you to overcome limiting beliefs in yourself and others. In this economic environment and in this short life you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to use the most effective communications and persuasion skills available to enhance your business and your life. Read More »

Free Marketing That Works – Better Than Seth Godin, Isn't It?

I should start by saying I like Seth Godin and think that he’s a very smart man. And, I should also note that I have praised and plugged his books in this very blog and in my news letters, at my seminars and during my mastermind weekends. Finally, I really liked his blog on copywriting to which I will give ... Read More »

The Trick? Making Things Better With Just Your Voice

This could be entitled “How a Simple Question Makes You Healthier, Happier, and Better Looking” but that sounds suspiciously fluffy. And, these questions really do work to bring about internal changes in those around us. But, if you are faced with friends, family, loved ones, business partners, employees or team members that are failing themselves and you, then you might ... Read More »

The Super Card – Enhanced Marketing to Build Excitement and Trust

In this video I describe an easy to use and multi-purpose “enhanced business card” that I use for a variety of important reasons. It can stand alone on the table in front of each audience member when I speak or even if I’m not speaking, it helps to make me more memorable. It’s different. It builds interest, trust and credibility. ... Read More »

Getting What You Want. Everything? Yeah…Really. Everything.

In 2007 I lost 33 pounds (of weight – not money as in the Pound Sterling). And, I have kept that weight off for all of 2008 (except for five pounds which I recently gained back – more on that later). It took several months to lose that much weight. But it took me four years of “trying” before it ... Read More »

If You Are Wondering About the Last Post then Think About This…

Metacognition is the ability to know about yourself and how you learn and accomplish things.  The last post was addressing an issue of metacognition and how you become aware of your own process in your personal life – experiencing and improving relationships around the holidays while altering and enjoying your life. But I know that no entreprenuer will leave life ... Read More »

The Six Word Question That Can Change Everything

Want one technique that works every time to break down fear and opposition in others while at the same time making you wiser, more powerful, and happier? A technique that can make you a better parent, spouse, partner, and business giant? Want to know how you can change the biochemistry of others to make you more persuasive in a way ... Read More »

Seth Godin Speaks About His New Book "Tribes"

Seth Godin’s new book Tribes examines the new direction of successful marketing. Seth’s theory is that the internet has facilitated the formation of new types of tribes, associations, social groups and there is a shortage of trusted leaders. This allows us as experts to build a community that we can really benefit and for whom we can build real value ... Read More »

Dave Frees, Frank Kern, and John Reese On Correcting Marketing Mistakes

Frank Kern just sent me a link to a 2003 interview that he did with John Reese. Now not everyone thinks of himself or herself as an internet marketer but if you have a business you’ll want to listen to this interview. I’m about 15 minutes into it and decided that I wanted to get the link out to you ... Read More »

How To Increase Small Business Revenues When The Economy Is Falling

Have you experienced a reduction in revenues since the economy started freezing up in July? Have you fallen victim to the ostrich approach of not paying attention and/or denying that the state of the economy effects you? Or, have you adopted the opposite problem mindset of becoming so obsessed with bad economic news that failure becomes a self fulfilling prophecy? ... Read More »