Saturday , 27 July 2024

Category Archives: Business

Proven Business Force Multipliers From Dave Frees

Do you own or operate a business or professional practice? Are you an influencer or rising influencer, coach or marketer? Want the equivalent of “Night Vision Goggles”  and other field tested and proven force multipliers that will give you and your business or practice and “unfair advantage on the battlefield?” Join me as I work with my In Top Form ... Read More »

The Interrogator, Negotiator, and Special Forces Operator’s Guide To Building A Better Business or Professional Practice

Business Force Multipliers: How Interrogators, Special Forces Operators, and Hostage Negotiators Might Build a More Profitable AND Client or Customer Focused Practice or Business Yes, each of these professions (operator, interrogator and negotiator) have much to offer a business or professional practice owner that wants to build a successful business, a collection of happy buyers, patients or clients and/or in the ... Read More »

Why Trust Is Essential Part 4 of 4: Building Trust – Bonus Materials

If you haven’t already done it, read my original series of articles on trust. Here are links to each: Part I,  Part II and  Part III. Then come right back here for the bonus materials and article below. Already caught up? Here are two big bonuses.  First, I have a list of other materials and resources worth reviewing/buying, and using ... Read More »

Why Trust IS Essential Part 3 of 4: Building Trust as a Leader and Using that Power for Good Not Evil

This is a continuation of our article, “Why Trust is Essential”.  You can review Part I and Part II by clicking each. In Part III we’ll examine how enhanced communication, persuasion, influence & manipulation contribute or detract from trust. 4) Enhanced Communication™, Persuasion, Influence and “Manipulation” Even if someone has demonstrated all of the other elements of trust, if enhanced ... Read More »

Why Trust Is Essential Part 2 of 4: Tests Clients Use & How to Establish Trust in Business Relationships

    This article is a continuation of Part I in our series on trust: “Why Trust is Essential: How to Build, Create, Maintain, Enjoy and Prosper From Well Earned Trust”. If you haven’t yet read it, here’s a link to read Part I now. When considering business and professional relationships, (with clients, your team and your stakeholders such as ... Read More »

Why Trust Is Essential

How To Build, Create, Maintain, Enjoy  & Prosper From Well Earned and Lasting Trust Part 1 of 4  “TRUST:  Noun – The firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, effectiveness or strength of someone or something.” Let me ask you two quick questions:  How would your business (or professional practice) be different, or better, if you could establish a deep ... Read More »

Can You Be A Good “Seller” If You’re Not A Good “Buyer”? – Or Why I Sometimes Over Pay

“I didn’t become a great seller until I learned to become a great buyer…” OR “Karma” is both a bitch or your best friend…right? You get to choose… The headline to this article poses a very interesting question about the alchemy of being a better seller, salesperson/marketer. One that matters to your success…. a lot. So let’s think about it. ... Read More »

Success Through Respect For Time – The Magic of Triggering The Valuable Time “Meta Program”

The “Good Time/Bad Time/Do You Have The Time? Question Technique That “Works ALL The Time” There are many many simple but highly effective language patterns, force multipliers and strategies that we say we know and that we “already do” but which we really just ignore or give lip service to them. Here’s a great one with almost magical power that ... Read More »

For Real Marketing and Business Success “Ignore” What Clients & Customers Are Saying…

“Your Marketing’s Not Optimal (and You’re Probably Leaving Wealth and Money On The Table and In Your Competitors’ Wallets) Until You Really Listen To Your Customers/Clients … And Then Ignore Them! What? That probably violates everything you’ve ever been taught but without thinking about this you’re not getting the most from your marketing.  But… You’ve always been told that the ... Read More »

What You Need To Know About Customer Expectations And Profitability

Customer Expectations Can Be The Source of Problems and a Drain On Resources OR They Can Be A Powerful Source of Profitability….When You Know What To Do Customer expectations can make you a big winner or a major loser in your market. So….you have to 1) know what they are and 2)manage them carefully from the very beginning of your marketing ... Read More »