Saturday , 27 July 2024

Category Archives: Persuasion

Are You Ignoring the Big Idea?

Have you ever been trying to help another person or yourself to get over a trauma, a limiting belief, or some negative experience and just had the sense that they believe that it will go on for ever and ever? Have you ever had a bad experience and suspected or told yourself that this is going to “last forever,” or ... Read More »

I Know What To Do. I Just Can't Figure Out How To Do It.

Sometimes change seems hard. We know what to do, but we just cannot seem to get it done. Have you ever had that experience? Have you ever been perfectly clear about what you need to do to improve a part of your business or your life? It’s just three steps, or five, or seven, or nine, or in the worst ... Read More »

The Magic of Getting Out of Your Own Way

Why is it that in the past, you have set goals, you’ve made a plan, you’ve taken action and yet, when the new year rolls around you found yourself woefully short of the desired result? I mean all of the experts tell you to write down your goals. Then they remind you to develop a plan. Finally, we have always ... Read More »

Conversational Persuasion Means Meeting In The Other Person’s Reality

Do you want to become more powerful, highly effective, and persuasive in your conversations, your writing, and if you’re in business, your marketing? Then you need to understand and respect the power and durability of beliefs. Human beliefs are very powerful, very helpful, and very resilient. Many of us try, even before building trust with another person, to convince them ... Read More »

Getting The New Year Off To A Great Start – A Few Things To Do To Improve Your Life

Photo Credit: Eustaquio Santimano Welcome to 2010 and have a very Happy New Year! Having a great new year is much more a function of your own choices than you may think. Perception does have the power to create reality. Here are just a few things you can do. Some are easy and some harder, but all of them have ... Read More »

Persuading With Fear

What do fears and anxiety, wants and desires have to do with your ability to persuade others? Everything. In order to be persuasive and influential, you must understand that we are all, as human beings, motivated to avoid pain and anxiety and to achieve our specific and personal wants and desires. If you want to be ethically persuasive and to ... Read More »

Coaching Your Way To The Bank

You know the old adage, everyone likes to buy things, and no one wants to be told what to buy? Isn’t it true, that when someone tells you what to do, the thing you wanted has already lost some its allure? Think about it. How do you feel when someone else’s “request” of you sounds too much like a command? ... Read More »

"I Already Know That" – Mental Profit Killers and How To Avoid Them

Have you ever started a book, listened to a minute or two of a speaker, or been casually chatting with an adviser on the phone and caught yourself saying, “I already know that” or “I’ve heard that before.” ? Well, that little voice and that little phrase can be the kiss of death when it comes to learning and doing ... Read More »

Perry Marshall & Dave Frees On Persuasion In Writing

Just a quick post to get you to take a look at my friend Perry Marshall’s recent article on the greed/generosity of entrepreneurs. I’ll give you the link to Perry Marshall’s brilliant piece of persuasion in a minute, but first, a few things to consider as you read: Persuasion in the Subject Line of Email Let’s start with the subject ... Read More »

Conversational Persuasion and The One Step System – The One Thing That Matters

Have you ever wanted to be more persuasive? If you were to become magically and radically more persuasive and influential, how would your life be different, better, and richer? Once you know… once you have clarity… once you are sure about the one most important thing to you, then learning and applying anything more effectively – even persuasion – becomes ... Read More »