Saturday , 27 July 2024

Category Archives: Marketing

I Wonder If There Is A Way For You To Become More Persuasive?

In this case, the title is the technique. “I was just wondering…” When we demand/insist or order someone to do something, or to become more resourceful, or to learn something, there is a basic human tendency to resist. Ans resistance slows progress. However, when we simply “wonder” out loud about something we come in under the resistance radar and trigger, ... Read More »

The Secret/Silent Late Night Persuasion 2 Profit Testimonial

Interested in finding out more about my soon to be released program of persuasion skils and ethical influence designed to help you unleash profit, improve marketing sales, and managment? Watch as Austin gives a late night review. Let me know what you need from the Persuasion 2 Profit Program. We have already included over 23 techniques based on human biology ... Read More »

Five Skills of Success – Communications Skills and Mind Set

I’m often asked the question “What is the most important thing (or skill) of success?” So, I was fascinated when I heard an interviewer ask Eben Pagan that very question. I enjoyed listening to his answers which included communications skills, marketing skills, and a mind set of success. No mystery there, but Eben has a fascination with learning that I ... Read More »

Question The Absolutes To Make Progress with The Chronic Pessimist – More Magical Language Patterns For Persuasion

Have you ever encountered, in yourself or others, (usually easier in others and hard to see these things in our own behaviors) the tendency to be sure about something all the time and every time? For example, “He is always angry with me.” Or, “She makes me depressed every time we meet.” How about, “John is never kind to anybody.” ... Read More »

Success, Friends, and Critics – How To Save A Life

Having just had a birthday my mind wandered – as human minds do – to the thought of how quickly time can seem to pass. Where are you in the journey? Has it been good? Have you fulfilled the current purpose? Found your calling? Is there more? Frankly, if I died today (from which I ask delivery) I would have ... Read More »

Cure The Fear Of Public Speaking – Become More Persuasive and Make Your Business More Profitable

If you are being held back by the fear of public speaking you are not alone. According to WebMD, the fear of public speaking is widespread, and greater than the fear of rattlesnakes and even death. And, for many people, the fear grows as they speak (not just before) and anxiety remains for long after. Would you like to be ... Read More »

Persuasion and Communications Skills – Some Reading That Makes You Better – Almost Automatically

Want to know more about becoming a more ethical, powerful, and persuasive person in your business and personal life? Here is a short list of great books for beginners or expert communicators. No other skill set so smoothly and automatically improves your other skills. Think about it. When you become more influential and persuasive, and when you are generally a ... Read More »

No Puppies Were Harmed in the Making of this Post

There is a fine line between getting attention and appearing to be a lunatic. But whether your trying to get the attention of your kids or to reach your clients and prospects in this very loud and busy world you need to catch and hold attention. And, if you recently attended Eben Pagan’s mastermind in LA you thought a lot ... Read More »

Fulfilling Other's Dreams – What Happens When You Give Them Exactly What They Want? Or, Is it Good For You Too?

Have you ever had the experience with a spouse, partner, child, or loved one of hearing their request, and doing or getting them “exactly” what they ask for only to find out that you were wrong? Completely wrong! How did that feel? Ever have it happen at work, with a client, customer or employee? Has that mistake ever cost you ... Read More »

Are Limiting Beliefs Your Permanent Reality? How A Simple Question Can Change You and Those Around You

More questions from Dave Frees to help you to overcome limiting beliefs in yourself and others. In this economic environment and in this short life you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to use the most effective communications and persuasion skills available to enhance your business and your life. Read More »