Thursday , 13 February 2025

No Puppies Were Harmed in the Making of this Post

There is a fine line between getting attention and appearing to be a lunatic. But whether your trying to get the attention of your kids or to reach your clients and prospects in this very loud and busy world you need to catch and hold attention. And, if you recently attended Eben Pagan’s mastermind in LA you thought a lot about this concept. Edgy is more entertaining, interesting, and memorable.

And, when you have their attention, you need to always add value, build trust and rapport. Trust and rapport then,and in turn, afford you the luxury of being sillier, more edgy, outrageous and memorable. It is a positive cycle. Watch this quick video for more and remember that no puppies were harmed in the making of this blog

Dave Frees

Thumbnail Credit: wsilver