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Category Archives: Marketing

How $12.00 and A Subscription To Cosmo Help Make Me Real Money

Now, I know what you’re thinking… and, I don’t blame you for thinking that I’ve gone off my rocker. I mean, I’m a professional. I advise very conservative businesses, wealthy and often elderly clients, and smart and very savvy business owners.  And I am paid very handsomely (to be read highly) to do it because I consistently deliver value, solve ... Read More »

The Mysterious Success of Apple

Here’s a really great video. It needs no introduction other than to say that it may be the turning point in your thinking… hint: it’s the why and not the how. Read More »

Getting The New Year Off To A Great Start – A Few Things To Do To Improve Your Life

Photo Credit: Eustaquio Santimano Welcome to 2010 and have a very Happy New Year! Having a great new year is much more a function of your own choices than you may think. Perception does have the power to create reality. Here are just a few things you can do. Some are easy and some harder, but all of them have ... Read More »

Persuading With Fear

What do fears and anxiety, wants and desires have to do with your ability to persuade others? Everything. In order to be persuasive and influential, you must understand that we are all, as human beings, motivated to avoid pain and anxiety and to achieve our specific and personal wants and desires. If you want to be ethically persuasive and to ... Read More »

Coaching Your Way To The Bank

You know the old adage, everyone likes to buy things, and no one wants to be told what to buy? Isn’t it true, that when someone tells you what to do, the thing you wanted has already lost some its allure? Think about it. How do you feel when someone else’s “request” of you sounds too much like a command? ... Read More »

Get Seth Godin's New Ebook "What Matters Now" For Free

As regular readers know, Dave Frees is a fan of Seth Godin and the way that Seth thinks about business, life, and marketing. I also like to give back to my loyal readers, to share ideas and resources, and if people keep reading the blog and from time to time buy my products or hire me as a speaker, then ... Read More »

Perry Marshall & Dave Frees On Persuasion In Writing

Just a quick post to get you to take a look at my friend Perry Marshall’s recent article on the greed/generosity of entrepreneurs. I’ll give you the link to Perry Marshall’s brilliant piece of persuasion in a minute, but first, a few things to consider as you read: Persuasion in the Subject Line of Email Let’s start with the subject ... Read More »

The Business of Trust and What I Just Learned From Richard Branson, The Dalai Lama, and Stephen Covey

Doing business and running a profitable company, firm, practice, or corporation has never been more complex.  However, after spending an enlightening week with a number of political leaders, NGOs, and world business leaders I have a number of pointers, observations, strategies, and business tactics, thought provokers, and practical “to do” items that might just help you to feel better and ... Read More »

Negotiation and Persuasion – A New Strategy and Practice

Many people write to me, call me, or otherwise find ways of communicating to me (and to themselves) that they really aren’t good negotiators, persuaders, marketers, or communicators – yet. But, to be successful in anything that you undertake, you must be able to convince yourself and others to do things and to get things done. Why? You must become ... Read More »

Marketing on the Fringe: Why Sliced Bread Never Sold Until the Marketing Worked

Being remarkable with your marketing and your products and services is safe and being safe is now dangerous in marketing. Being on the fringe may be exactly where you want to be – once you know who is the niche market that you start with. The slogan for this blog is “Ideas and Information To Improve Your Business and Your ... Read More »