Saturday , 27 July 2024

Category Archives: Marketing

Dave Frees, Frank Kern, and John Reese On Correcting Marketing Mistakes

Frank Kern just sent me a link to a 2003 interview that he did with John Reese. Now not everyone thinks of himself or herself as an internet marketer but if you have a business you’ll want to listen to this interview. I’m about 15 minutes into it and decided that I wanted to get the link out to you ... Read More »

Malcom Gladwell at Pop Tech

If you enjoyed Malcom Gladwell’s books Blink and The Tipping Point be sure to take a peek at Malcom’s speech to Pop Tech. This is a review of some ideas that he’ll be examining in his newest book Outliers: The Story of Success. Malcom has a unique way of thinking about things. Be sure to ask yourself: How can I ... Read More »

How To Increase Small Business Revenues When The Economy Is Falling

Have you experienced a reduction in revenues since the economy started freezing up in July? Have you fallen victim to the ostrich approach of not paying attention and/or denying that the state of the economy effects you? Or, have you adopted the opposite problem mindset of becoming so obsessed with bad economic news that failure becomes a self fulfilling prophecy? ... Read More »

The PR Secret – It's Ok To Tell

If you’ve been reading, you know I’m a fan of giving away the great stuff. Eben Pagan (whom I just saw speak in St. Louis) encourages information marketers and savvy business people to find their best secrets and to give them away. Give your customers your best information – the stuff that always works. They love you for it. They ... Read More »

From Theory To Practice – Evaluating Books and Implementing The Ideas

I love to read.  I always have.  And, if you’re like me, we have plenty of smart cookies in our ranks of the readers.  Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were addicted to both reading and their libraries. However, there is a point where reading – blogs (other than this one), books, articles, and watching videos – however well intentioned begins ... Read More »

Multiple Channels of Marketing for Success – Changing The Channel

When it comes to marketing success, “…if you’re only using one channel, you’re likely leaving millions of dollars on the table and in danger of losing the customer’s that you already have.” That is the basic premise and warning of Michael Masterson’s new book, Changing The Channel: 12 Easy Ways To Make Millions For Your Business.  And while I have ... Read More »

What Makes A Buyer Buy? – Science and Marketing

For years, master advertisers, manipulators, and persuaders have told us why they “thought” that they were successful. Starting with Cialdini’s book Influence we got to peak behind the curtain and see what science could tell us about how persuasion really worked. Better yet, Robert Cialdini was such a smart cookie that he was able to present this scientific information in ... Read More »