Saturday , 27 July 2024

Category Archives: Marketing

Achieving The Beginer's Mind – Learning How To Learn and Do More

The experience of thinking that we know how to do something, or that we know more than we really do about a topic is almost universal.  How often have you started to read something, or to listen to a teacher, or speaker, and said to yourself “I already know that”? However, the sense that we already know can have the ... Read More »

Progress Not Perfection – The Mindset of Making Progress and Getting Things Done

Want to get more done, and make your actions both more effective and when appropriate more profitable? Then these two meta strategies should be considered. Increasing your speed of implementation almost always results in greater success, and in order to improve the speed of implementation you must adopt the strategy of progress not perfection. Increasing data supports the idea that ... Read More »

Profit Through Value – How Do You Tanslate Your Value To The Client or Customer?

The key to getting, keeping, and continually satisfying customers and to giving them real value, is understanding what they really want, what they really need, what they really fear, and how they express these things in their own terms and with their own language. DO not assume that you know and do not assume that you know the language that ... Read More »

Conversational Persuasion Skills and The Power of Questions

In this brief video, Dave Frees walks you through a question that will change the way that you think and then shows you not just what to do, but how to use presuppositions and questions to become more persuasive and influential. The next few minutes will change the way that you get friends, loved ones, clients and/or customers and everyone ... Read More »

Getting What You Want – Influence and Leverage With Number One – The Magic Of Language Patterns

Here’s another very powerful question (well two actually) filled with the linguistic tools of influence to help you get something that you have been wanting but haven’t yet achieved. Once you hear, see, and feel the magic at work I’m sure that you’ll start to use it with others. But for now, give yourself a treat and get or achieve ... Read More »

Combining Persuasion Skills and the Compounding Effect

In this video, persuasion skills guru Dave Frees examines how you can “stack” or combine persuasion skills and get a compounding effect. Dave emphasizes that these techniques can and should be used ethically and only after you have clarified that what you are doing is appropriate for the other party. Thumbnail Credit: Horia Varlan Read More »

The Invisible French Press – The Power of Expectation and How To Get What You Want (or Make Coffee Invisible)

“Where is my French press?” This was the question I shouted up the stairs or asked anyone who got near me. I had just read an article on making iced coffee and iced coffee cubes using a cold press method that yields tasty, strong (or diluted to your taste) and icy cold coffee refreshment during the summer months. (I’ll describe ... Read More »

You're Now More Persuasive Than Ever Because You Read This Blog

Are you one of the many readers who enjoy the strategies of communication and persuasion, but who really lives for the little tactical skills that really work? The inner game of communications and persuasion makes all of the tactical skills, tricks (like your Mom used to get you to do things), and tools all the more effective. Yet the inner ... Read More »

Directing Another's Attention – You're Interested In That, Aren't You?

The title is the technique again. The technique: “You’re interested in (fill in the blank), aren’t you?” As in, “You’re interested in becoming more influential and persuasive with your customers/clients, aren’t you?” Or, “You’re interested in becoming more persuasive in your personal life, aren’t you?” Or, “You’re interested in ways to use this technique to make more money, aren’t you?” ... Read More »

How An "Irritating Habit" of Mine Helps People To Get Great Results

If you have ever wanted to be an agent for change? To help others, or even yourself to actually breakthrough and to achieve some needed change? Want a magical lingusitic formula or technique that greases the skids of change and unleashes desire and transforms reality. Then this is for you – and I am not over promising. So, if you’d ... Read More »