Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: influence

What You Need To Know About Customer Expectations And Profitability

Customer Expectations Can Be The Source of Problems and a Drain On Resources OR They Can Be A Powerful Source of Profitability….When You Know What To Do Customer expectations can make you a big winner or a major loser in your market. So….you have to 1) know what they are and 2)manage them carefully from the very beginning of your marketing ... Read More »

3 Days To Success – How To Use This Seminar and The Ideas, Systems and SWIPE Files

How to Use this Event and the Ideas, Information, Systems, Skills, Strategies, Tactics, Breakthrough Exercises and SWIPE Files To clarify, Achieve and Exceed Your Business and Personal Goals – Faster than You Thought Possible RULE #1 Think of this event and the information materials, SWIPE files and exercises as a grand buffet. There are many delicious items but don’t try ... Read More »

Profit Through Value – How Do You Tanslate Your Value To The Client or Customer?

The key to getting, keeping, and continually satisfying customers and to giving them real value, is understanding what they really want, what they really need, what they really fear, and how they express these things in their own terms and with their own language. DO not assume that you know and do not assume that you know the language that ... Read More »

Getting What You Want – Influence and Leverage With Number One – The Magic Of Language Patterns

Here’s another very powerful question (well two actually) filled with the linguistic tools of influence to help you get something that you have been wanting but haven’t yet achieved. Once you hear, see, and feel the magic at work I’m sure that you’ll start to use it with others. But for now, give yourself a treat and get or achieve ... Read More »

The Invisible French Press – The Power of Expectation and How To Get What You Want (or Make Coffee Invisible)

“Where is my French press?” This was the question I shouted up the stairs or asked anyone who got near me. I had just read an article on making iced coffee and iced coffee cubes using a cold press method that yields tasty, strong (or diluted to your taste) and icy cold coffee refreshment during the summer months. (I’ll describe ... Read More »

Medical Hypnosis Techniques Are Not Just For Therapists Any More…

I’ve been hearing from readers who are surprised that many of the linguistic techniques and the persuasive language patterns I teach work so well not just in their marketing, but also with spouses, friends, kids, and other loved ones. A common quote: “Dave, I never thought that this would work, but I used it the moment I got home and ... Read More »