Tuesday , 22 October 2024

Business and Self Improvement Books – The Dave Frees Reading Project

Want to transform your business and personal life?

Are you a self improvement reader?

Have a reading list larger than you’ll ever get to but want the
advantages of reading them all?

Improving At The Speed Of Light

Read on. I have a proposition for you.

In the Dave Frees tradition of trying to deliver
massive value, and in giving to one another,
I’m going to make a radical proposal to all of you
who follow me, read my blogs, and/or newsletters
and alerts on marketing, management, persuasion,
influence and leadership:

And before we begin, I should say that I stole this
brilliant idea from a buddy Neil Strauss with whom I
am also doing this project. It was just soooooooo
gooood that we have to do it here.

So what’s this piece of genius?

What if we pledge, together, to read from 25 to
52 of the best life-transforming books from the
areas of, social dynamics, psychology, mastery,
business marketing and management,personal and
financial growth,and other big-idea books together
in 2012? That’s one every week or two.

And even more radically:

What if we read ALL of those books by
spending no more than FIFTEEN minutes a
week on each one?

How might that affect your business and your life?

Might you get ideas for more profit, more satisfaction,
better control, greater wealth and happiness in
many areas of your business and life?

Does it sound impossible to read that quickly?

It is, but getting the truly big benefit isn’t.

Not if we work together.

Here’s the plan:

If you are anything like me (and since you’re on this list or
you’re already a friend- I’ll bet
you are) you have a reading list longer than you
have time for.

So instead of all of us reading every book, the plan is
to assign one book to each selected reader of the Dave
Frees Useful News Letter or to a member of the
www.3DaysToSuccess.com mastermind list or to any of
my blog readers and Twitter followers and Facebook

Each selected person would then write up an
“executive summary” to share with all of us that
would take just 15 minutes to read.

Each Executive Summary would feature:

1) the salient points,
2) the big strategies,
3) any reader epiphanies,
4) great quotations, and
5) applicable takeaways and action items from
the great book.

I’ve taken the lead here with one of my favorite books
that I haven’t yet shared with all of you:

The Secret of The Ages:
The Master Code To Abundance and Achievement
by none other than the AD MAN and copy writer –
Robert Collier.

This is a lost gem.

It’s loaded with big life strategies and
actionable ideas to tame the chaos in your life,
to regain balance, and to become wealthier – however
you define wealth -without losing yourself and
your freedom.

And, if you want a quick condensed version of
some of the lessons I learned in 2011 that are already
helping to make 2012 even better, check out the newest
post on my blog at Success Technologies.


Just so you don’t have to wait for big ideas to get
started, you can find it here–I recommend printing or
saving it to read later:


So back to the plan. Every week, the plan is to post a
detailed report on a new book, with a point-by-point
summary and actionable items that all of us can learn
from and implement right away.

Neil has called it crowdsourced reading.

I like to think of it as network intelligence.

It’s also great motivation to start that exciting
book that’s been sitting at the top of your reading
pile–or to share your passion for a favorite book you’ve
already read.

So…if you want to be one of our twenty five to fifty-two
readers, send an email to dfrees@successtechnologies.com
with the headline or subject line BOOK ME.

If we get enough participants, this promises to be a
very powerful project.

In the brief email, let me know: What book you want to
read and why.

Make sure you write clearly and in an organized way.

We’ll determine the participating readers not just by
book choice, but also by the conciseness and articulateness
of the email itself.

If your choice is accepted, we’ll send you a confirmation
and a Guide/Template to help you with the report. Give
us a week or two to go through all your emails (the holidays
are over but we have some serious catching up to do).

All signs point to another potentially tough year in the
economy but some people and some sectors are doing better
than ever.

So let’s all make it that kind of year for one another
and work through this together.

Here’s wishing you a Happy New Year–and a ridiculously
great 2012 full of health, wealth, and happiness.

To Your Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dave Frees

P.S. I’m making my and trying to keep my resolutions.
One of them is to continue www.3daystosuccess.com
Mastermind Program
and to
even expand it to three events this year.

The last event in Scottsdale Arizona was spectacular.

The group was brilliant and we have all been making huge
strides in our businesses by applying what we taught one
another. We have been investing in ourselves and
transforming our businesses and lives right before my eyes.

Since I am also creating a high end private client
group that will be meeting at my home in Cave Creek Arizona
and probably in Tampa and Philly, the 2012 incarnation of
Mastermind will be version 2.0, a great
leap forward based on what we learned from our experiences this
year and from working with my private clients.

In a nutshell, for those of you new here, The
www.3daystosuccess.com mastermind group, is a small,
select group of hand-picked students that I personally
coach throughout the year at multiple events and by

It’s not for everyone and it’s expensive but we have really
catapulted one another’s business models to new levels
that make the investment truly a bargain.

Since we spend quite a few days together, eat great food
together, stay at beautiful resorts together, and are
considering taking a cruise or adventure trip together,
it’s vitally important that everyone in the
group is successful in their own field, so they help each other
out in their various personal, life, and business goals.

If you are already a coaching client or mastermind member
and want to come to the next event or, if you’re new and
you want to get your application in early, go ahead and
call Lisa at 610-933-8069 and ask about the mastermind or personal
coaching program.

And if we feel certain that you’re a good match for the
program and the group, and only if we’re sure that we can
help you to radically change and improve your business and
profitability, we’ll call and interview you in the next
few weeks to be sure that you want to become one of our
few new members late this Spring.

That’s it for now. Have fun this weekend…send pics of
your success, fun, and marketing victories!!
