Saturday , 27 July 2024

Category Archives: Communications Skills

Persuasion and Communications Skills – Some Reading That Makes You Better – Almost Automatically

Want to know more about becoming a more ethical, powerful, and persuasive person in your business and personal life? Here is a short list of great books for beginners or expert communicators. No other skill set so smoothly and automatically improves your other skills. Think about it. When you become more influential and persuasive, and when you are generally a ... Read More »

No Puppies Were Harmed in the Making of this Post

There is a fine line between getting attention and appearing to be a lunatic. But whether your trying to get the attention of your kids or to reach your clients and prospects in this very loud and busy world you need to catch and hold attention. And, if you recently attended Eben Pagan’s mastermind in LA you thought a lot ... Read More »

A Simple Process For Simplification of Your Life

If you’re like me, there is a certain attraction to the concept of simplicity. However, in my case, the attraction is largely to imaginary pictures and feelings and not to the clean uncluttered lines of my office space or bedroom dresser. My office is very busy. My desk has hundreds of files and items needing attention. I was recently speaking ... Read More »

Fulfilling Other's Dreams – What Happens When You Give Them Exactly What They Want? Or, Is it Good For You Too?

Have you ever had the experience with a spouse, partner, child, or loved one of hearing their request, and doing or getting them “exactly” what they ask for only to find out that you were wrong? Completely wrong! How did that feel? Ever have it happen at work, with a client, customer or employee? Has that mistake ever cost you ... Read More »

Are Limiting Beliefs Your Permanent Reality? How A Simple Question Can Change You and Those Around You

More questions from Dave Frees to help you to overcome limiting beliefs in yourself and others. In this economic environment and in this short life you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to use the most effective communications and persuasion skills available to enhance your business and your life. Read More »

Wow… This Guy Surprised, Astonished, and Helped Me.

I get a lot done. I run the Trust, Estates, and Wealth Preservation Section of a law firm. I write books, articles, and blog posts – almost everyday. I am the father of three, a husband, son, son-in-law, and brother. I serve on the board of directors of a charity or two at any given time and I serve on ... Read More »

Free Marketing That Works – Better Than Seth Godin, Isn't It?

I should start by saying I like Seth Godin and think that he’s a very smart man. And, I should also note that I have praised and plugged his books in this very blog and in my news letters, at my seminars and during my mastermind weekends. Finally, I really liked his blog on copywriting to which I will give ... Read More »

The Trick? Making Things Better With Just Your Voice

This could be entitled “How a Simple Question Makes You Healthier, Happier, and Better Looking” but that sounds suspiciously fluffy. And, these questions really do work to bring about internal changes in those around us. But, if you are faced with friends, family, loved ones, business partners, employees or team members that are failing themselves and you, then you might ... Read More »

The Super Card – Enhanced Marketing to Build Excitement and Trust

In this video I describe an easy to use and multi-purpose “enhanced business card” that I use for a variety of important reasons. It can stand alone on the table in front of each audience member when I speak or even if I’m not speaking, it helps to make me more memorable. It’s different. It builds interest, trust and credibility. ... Read More »

Getting What You Want. Everything? Yeah…Really. Everything.

In 2007 I lost 33 pounds (of weight – not money as in the Pound Sterling). And, I have kept that weight off for all of 2008 (except for five pounds which I recently gained back – more on that later). It took several months to lose that much weight. But it took me four years of “trying” before it ... Read More »