Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: David M Frees III

Eben Pagan on Relaxation and Having Fun

I was recently speaking at a Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer event. Eben Pagan was also there as a speaker and I think that Eben is a brilliant synthesizer and teacher. I overheard him discussing the need for relaxation to be productive, but I didn’t have my Flip video on me. However, just tonight I found a YouTube video where ... Read More »

Be Rigid and Inflexible About Your Flexibility

“I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times.” – Everett Dirksen In my program Persuasion2Profit and in my bookThe Language of Parenting I have referred to the skills and strategies of great persuaders and communicators. And, in both works, I emphasize the need for flexibility.  Flexibility is a ... Read More »

Question The Absolutes To Make Progress with The Chronic Pessimist – More Magical Language Patterns For Persuasion

Have you ever encountered, in yourself or others, (usually easier in others and hard to see these things in our own behaviors) the tendency to be sure about something all the time and every time? For example, “He is always angry with me.” Or, “She makes me depressed every time we meet.” How about, “John is never kind to anybody.” ... Read More »

A Simple Process For Simplification of Your Life

If you’re like me, there is a certain attraction to the concept of simplicity. However, in my case, the attraction is largely to imaginary pictures and feelings and not to the clean uncluttered lines of my office space or bedroom dresser. My office is very busy. My desk has hundreds of files and items needing attention. I was recently speaking ... Read More »

Fulfilling Other's Dreams – What Happens When You Give Them Exactly What They Want? Or, Is it Good For You Too?

Have you ever had the experience with a spouse, partner, child, or loved one of hearing their request, and doing or getting them “exactly” what they ask for only to find out that you were wrong? Completely wrong! How did that feel? Ever have it happen at work, with a client, customer or employee? Has that mistake ever cost you ... Read More »

Are Limiting Beliefs Your Permanent Reality? How A Simple Question Can Change You and Those Around You

More questions from Dave Frees to help you to overcome limiting beliefs in yourself and others. In this economic environment and in this short life you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to use the most effective communications and persuasion skills available to enhance your business and your life. Read More »

The Trick? Making Things Better With Just Your Voice

This could be entitled “How a Simple Question Makes You Healthier, Happier, and Better Looking” but that sounds suspiciously fluffy. And, these questions really do work to bring about internal changes in those around us. But, if you are faced with friends, family, loved ones, business partners, employees or team members that are failing themselves and you, then you might ... Read More »

The Super Card – Enhanced Marketing to Build Excitement and Trust

In this video I describe an easy to use and multi-purpose “enhanced business card” that I use for a variety of important reasons. It can stand alone on the table in front of each audience member when I speak or even if I’m not speaking, it helps to make me more memorable. It’s different. It builds interest, trust and credibility. ... Read More »

Thinking Ahead to the Holidays – Marketing With a Twist

I wish that I could, but I cannot take credit for this awesome idea and promotional tool. I know that I usually focus on self improvement and communications and persuasion skills but when I see great marketing I will pass it on. I originally saw it on Josh’s Unconventional Marketing Blog and he saw it on SoGoodBlog. The story was ... Read More »

Dave Frees, Frank Kern, and John Reese On Correcting Marketing Mistakes

Frank Kern just sent me a link to a 2003 interview that he did with John Reese. Now not everyone thinks of himself or herself as an internet marketer but if you have a business you’ll want to listen to this interview. I’m about 15 minutes into it and decided that I wanted to get the link out to you ... Read More »