Tuesday , 22 October 2024

Thinking Ahead to the Holidays – Marketing With a Twist

I wish that I could, but I cannot take credit for this awesome idea and promotional tool. I know that I usually focus on self improvement and communications and persuasion skills but when I see great marketing I will pass it on.

I originally saw it on Josh’s Unconventional Marketing Blog and he saw it on SoGoodBlog. The story was also reported in Time Out Chicago (where the test took place). But this is a neat idea with many many possibilities for the holidays.

Essentially, Burger King dropped wallets in strategic locations around Chicago. When the finder opened the wallet, he or she discovered cash, a driver’s license for the king, and coupons and debit cards for use at Burger King. There was also a note telling them (the assumed good samaritan) that it was ok to keep everything.

A local business could use this idea around the holidays in the same way, or could send wallets to great clients and referral sources with a note telling them that they had just discovered some extra holiday cash. This is not limited to retail but could also be used by professional practices (check your ethical restrictions) where you offer discounts, etc. when they or a family member come in.

I love the idea of sending wallets as lumpy mail (which always gets opened). You can source very inexpensive wallets and the cost could be quite low. Design and print your own coupons and cards or get a promotions firm to design and sell you preloaded debit cards ( a little more expensive but awesome branding).

Leave me a comment below on how you might use this idea and or any more sources or information that you might need to make it work.

David M. Frees III

Thumbnail Credit: SoGoodBlog