Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: Communications Skills

The Business of Trust and What I Just Learned From Richard Branson, The Dalai Lama, and Stephen Covey

Doing business and running a profitable company, firm, practice, or corporation has never been more complex.  However, after spending an enlightening week with a number of political leaders, NGOs, and world business leaders I have a number of pointers, observations, strategies, and business tactics, thought provokers, and practical “to do” items that might just help you to feel better and ... Read More »

Be Rigid and Inflexible About Your Flexibility

“I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times.” – Everett Dirksen In my program Persuasion2Profit and in my bookThe Language of Parenting I have referred to the skills and strategies of great persuaders and communicators. And, in both works, I emphasize the need for flexibility.  Flexibility is a ... Read More »

Conversational Persuasion Skills and The Power of Questions

In this brief video, Dave Frees walks you through a question that will change the way that you think and then shows you not just what to do, but how to use presuppositions and questions to become more persuasive and influential. The next few minutes will change the way that you get friends, loved ones, clients and/or customers and everyone ... Read More »

Combining Persuasion Skills and the Compounding Effect

In this video, persuasion skills guru Dave Frees examines how you can “stack” or combine persuasion skills and get a compounding effect. Dave emphasizes that these techniques can and should be used ethically and only after you have clarified that what you are doing is appropriate for the other party. Thumbnail Credit: Horia Varlan Read More »

You're Now More Persuasive Than Ever Because You Read This Blog

Are you one of the many readers who enjoy the strategies of communication and persuasion, but who really lives for the little tactical skills that really work? The inner game of communications and persuasion makes all of the tactical skills, tricks (like your Mom used to get you to do things), and tools all the more effective. Yet the inner ... Read More »

Five Skills of Success – Communications Skills and Mind Set

I’m often asked the question “What is the most important thing (or skill) of success?” So, I was fascinated when I heard an interviewer ask Eben Pagan that very question. I enjoyed listening to his answers which included communications skills, marketing skills, and a mind set of success. No mystery there, but Eben has a fascination with learning that I ... Read More »

Question The Absolutes To Make Progress with The Chronic Pessimist – More Magical Language Patterns For Persuasion

Have you ever encountered, in yourself or others, (usually easier in others and hard to see these things in our own behaviors) the tendency to be sure about something all the time and every time? For example, “He is always angry with me.” Or, “She makes me depressed every time we meet.” How about, “John is never kind to anybody.” ... Read More »

No Puppies Were Harmed in the Making of this Post

There is a fine line between getting attention and appearing to be a lunatic. But whether your trying to get the attention of your kids or to reach your clients and prospects in this very loud and busy world you need to catch and hold attention. And, if you recently attended Eben Pagan’s mastermind in LA you thought a lot ... Read More »

Fulfilling Other's Dreams – What Happens When You Give Them Exactly What They Want? Or, Is it Good For You Too?

Have you ever had the experience with a spouse, partner, child, or loved one of hearing their request, and doing or getting them “exactly” what they ask for only to find out that you were wrong? Completely wrong! How did that feel? Ever have it happen at work, with a client, customer or employee? Has that mistake ever cost you ... Read More »

The PR Secret – It's Ok To Tell

If you’ve been reading, you know I’m a fan of giving away the great stuff. Eben Pagan (whom I just saw speak in St. Louis) encourages information marketers and savvy business people to find their best secrets and to give them away. Give your customers your best information – the stuff that always works. They love you for it. They ... Read More »