Tuesday , 22 October 2024

The PR Secret – It's Ok To Tell

If you’ve been reading, you know I’m a fan of giving away the great stuff. Eben Pagan (whom I just saw speak in St. Louis) encourages information marketers and savvy business people to find their best secrets and to give them away. Give your customers your best information – the stuff that always works. They love you for it. They know you’re great and that your ideas and techniques work, and they become raving fans.

Well Pamela Brown – The Seinfeld Show publicist thinks like that too. On a recent flight, we were discussing social media, PR, and how to achieve better exposure. I told her I was using some paid serivces – mentioned in the last blog entry. It was then that she told me that many reporters, publicists, producers and other media savvy types were using Peter Shankman’s new site www.helpareporter.com (HARO – Help A Reporter Out).

This site works both ways. If you’re trying to become an expert, get interviews, etc. you can contact reporters, authors, producers and others who post questions in your areas of expertise. If you need resources, experts, interview subjects, you can post a project and deadline.

If you use this site – either way, for research, or to get the public relations exposure you want – be respectful. Contact only those where you are a good match and have solid content and information to offer.

This is a powerful resource. Let me know about your experiences.

David M. Frees

Thumbnail Credit: Hans_van_Rijnberk