Saturday , 27 July 2024

Category Archives: Parenting

Confusion Is The Precurser of Clarity and Understanding

Confusion is often triggers us to surrender, which is sad becasue in most cases, confusion means that we are about to win the war. We are actually about to master some new idea, knowledge, or bit of wisdom that previouly seemed too complex. I cannot tell you how many times people have told me that they gave up on something ... Read More »

Directing Another's Attention – You're Interested In That, Aren't You?

The title is the technique again. The technique: “You’re interested in (fill in the blank), aren’t you?” As in, “You’re interested in becoming more influential and persuasive with your customers/clients, aren’t you?” Or, “You’re interested in becoming more persuasive in your personal life, aren’t you?” Or, “You’re interested in ways to use this technique to make more money, aren’t you?” ... Read More »

How An "Irritating Habit" of Mine Helps People To Get Great Results

If you have ever wanted to be an agent for change? To help others, or even yourself to actually breakthrough and to achieve some needed change? Want a magical lingusitic formula or technique that greases the skids of change and unleashes desire and transforms reality. Then this is for you – and I am not over promising. So, if you’d ... Read More »

I Wonder If There Is A Way For You To Become More Persuasive?

In this case, the title is the technique. “I was just wondering…” When we demand/insist or order someone to do something, or to become more resourceful, or to learn something, there is a basic human tendency to resist. Ans resistance slows progress. However, when we simply “wonder” out loud about something we come in under the resistance radar and trigger, ... Read More »

Question The Absolutes To Make Progress with The Chronic Pessimist – More Magical Language Patterns For Persuasion

Have you ever encountered, in yourself or others, (usually easier in others and hard to see these things in our own behaviors) the tendency to be sure about something all the time and every time? For example, “He is always angry with me.” Or, “She makes me depressed every time we meet.” How about, “John is never kind to anybody.” ... Read More »

Cure The Fear Of Public Speaking – Become More Persuasive and Make Your Business More Profitable

If you are being held back by the fear of public speaking you are not alone. According to WebMD, the fear of public speaking is widespread, and greater than the fear of rattlesnakes and even death. And, for many people, the fear grows as they speak (not just before) and anxiety remains for long after. Would you like to be ... Read More »

Persuasion and Communications Skills – Some Reading That Makes You Better – Almost Automatically

Want to know more about becoming a more ethical, powerful, and persuasive person in your business and personal life? Here is a short list of great books for beginners or expert communicators. No other skill set so smoothly and automatically improves your other skills. Think about it. When you become more influential and persuasive, and when you are generally a ... Read More »

Fulfilling Other's Dreams – What Happens When You Give Them Exactly What They Want? Or, Is it Good For You Too?

Have you ever had the experience with a spouse, partner, child, or loved one of hearing their request, and doing or getting them “exactly” what they ask for only to find out that you were wrong? Completely wrong! How did that feel? Ever have it happen at work, with a client, customer or employee? Has that mistake ever cost you ... Read More »

The Trick? Making Things Better With Just Your Voice

This could be entitled “How a Simple Question Makes You Healthier, Happier, and Better Looking” but that sounds suspiciously fluffy. And, these questions really do work to bring about internal changes in those around us. But, if you are faced with friends, family, loved ones, business partners, employees or team members that are failing themselves and you, then you might ... Read More »

Being In The Moment This Holiday Season

I know that what follows is a little out of the ordinary.  Where are the business strategies and tactics that work? I have plenty for you between now and the end of the year.  But for now…. Well…… Have you ever had the experience of enjoying something so much that time just flew by – that time didn’t even seem ... Read More »