Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: Self Improvement

You Get What You Look For! Why That's True And What To Do About It

Have you ever noticed when you got exactly what you expected to get? Has there ever been a time when you thought about or feared a certain result from your efforts, only to be rewarded with the exact amount of failure that you were expecting or predicting? Ever had a great idea only to think “That’ll never work,” and it ... Read More »

"I Already Know That" – Mental Profit Killers and How To Avoid Them

Have you ever started a book, listened to a minute or two of a speaker, or been casually chatting with an adviser on the phone and caught yourself saying, “I already know that” or “I’ve heard that before.” ? Well, that little voice and that little phrase can be the kiss of death when it comes to learning and doing ... Read More »

Negotiation and Persuasion – A New Strategy and Practice

Many people write to me, call me, or otherwise find ways of communicating to me (and to themselves) that they really aren’t good negotiators, persuaders, marketers, or communicators – yet. But, to be successful in anything that you undertake, you must be able to convince yourself and others to do things and to get things done. Why? You must become ... Read More »

Achieving The Beginer's Mind – Learning How To Learn and Do More

The experience of thinking that we know how to do something, or that we know more than we really do about a topic is almost universal.  How often have you started to read something, or to listen to a teacher, or speaker, and said to yourself “I already know that”? However, the sense that we already know can have the ... Read More »

Confusion Is The Precurser of Clarity and Understanding

Confusion is often triggers us to surrender, which is sad becasue in most cases, confusion means that we are about to win the war. We are actually about to master some new idea, knowledge, or bit of wisdom that previouly seemed too complex. I cannot tell you how many times people have told me that they gave up on something ... Read More »

Success, Friends, and Critics – How To Save A Life

Having just had a birthday my mind wandered – as human minds do – to the thought of how quickly time can seem to pass. Where are you in the journey? Has it been good? Have you fulfilled the current purpose? Found your calling? Is there more? Frankly, if I died today (from which I ask delivery) I would have ... Read More »

The Trick? Making Things Better With Just Your Voice

This could be entitled “How a Simple Question Makes You Healthier, Happier, and Better Looking” but that sounds suspiciously fluffy. And, these questions really do work to bring about internal changes in those around us. But, if you are faced with friends, family, loved ones, business partners, employees or team members that are failing themselves and you, then you might ... Read More »

From Theory To Practice – Evaluating Books and Implementing The Ideas

I love to read.  I always have.  And, if you’re like me, we have plenty of smart cookies in our ranks of the readers.  Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were addicted to both reading and their libraries. However, there is a point where reading – blogs (other than this one), books, articles, and watching videos – however well intentioned begins ... Read More »