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Tag Archives: Persuasion Skills

The Art of Negotiation – In Action

Dave Frees reviews two styles of negotiation from the Fifth Element and suggests some additional negotiating, persuasion, and influence strategies and resources Read More »

7 Things You Must Do To Create A Richer and Calmer Business and Life

1. You must learn how to regularly apply Pareto’s Principal (The 80/20 Rule) in your business and personal life. Use the leverage of getting 80% of the profits and results, 80% of the fun and pleasure and happiness from 20% of the work and effort. 2. You must develop and implement systems to automate as much as possible so that ... Read More »

I Know What To Do. I Just Can't Figure Out How To Do It.

Sometimes change seems hard. We know what to do, but we just cannot seem to get it done. Have you ever had that experience? Have you ever been perfectly clear about what you need to do to improve a part of your business or your life? It’s just three steps, or five, or seven, or nine, or in the worst ... Read More »

Conversational Persuasion Means Meeting In The Other Person’s Reality

Do you want to become more powerful, highly effective, and persuasive in your conversations, your writing, and if you’re in business, your marketing? Then you need to understand and respect the power and durability of beliefs. Human beliefs are very powerful, very helpful, and very resilient. Many of us try, even before building trust with another person, to convince them ... Read More »

Persuading With Fear

What do fears and anxiety, wants and desires have to do with your ability to persuade others? Everything. In order to be persuasive and influential, you must understand that we are all, as human beings, motivated to avoid pain and anxiety and to achieve our specific and personal wants and desires. If you want to be ethically persuasive and to ... Read More »

Anger and Persuasion – Part II of II

If you’re just joining us in the conversation, the question is how do anger and anxiety effect your communication skills and in particular, your persuasiveness? My theory on this? Negatively for many reasons. Why? Your communications skills become limited by anger and anxiety. You are less creative and less flexible. Anger shows this and transmits some level of fear within ... Read More »

How Does Controlling Your Anger Make You More Persuasive? Just Ask That Angry Man – The Dalai Lama Part One of Two

Think about this: Have you ever been superbly or sublimely persuasive? Was there ever a time when you communicated with someone or with many people and when you were clear, confident, and the consummate leader? Did people just feel compelled to follow you – happily? Most humans can remember an experience like that at some point in our lives. Now, ... Read More »

The Power of Clear Communications and Persuasion

Are your skills of ethical influence, persuasion, and communication relevant in our constantly changing world? As it turns out, the ability to manage change may make the single biggest difference in the quality of your life, and your communications and persuasion skills might make the biggest difference in your ability to manage change. Pareto’s principle tells us that we should ... Read More »

Negotiation and Persuasion – A New Strategy and Practice

Many people write to me, call me, or otherwise find ways of communicating to me (and to themselves) that they really aren’t good negotiators, persuaders, marketers, or communicators – yet. But, to be successful in anything that you undertake, you must be able to convince yourself and others to do things and to get things done. Why? You must become ... Read More »

Be Rigid and Inflexible About Your Flexibility

“I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times.” – Everett Dirksen In my program Persuasion2Profit and in my bookThe Language of Parenting I have referred to the skills and strategies of great persuaders and communicators. And, in both works, I emphasize the need for flexibility.  Flexibility is a ... Read More »