Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: sales

Can You Be A Good “Seller” If You’re Not A Good “Buyer”? – Or Why I Sometimes Over Pay

“I didn’t become a great seller until I learned to become a great buyer…” OR “Karma” is both a bitch or your best friend…right? You get to choose… The headline to this article poses a very interesting question about the alchemy of being a better seller, salesperson/marketer. One that matters to your success…. a lot. So let’s think about it. ... Read More »

For Real Marketing and Business Success “Ignore” What Clients & Customers Are Saying…

“Your Marketing’s Not Optimal (and You’re Probably Leaving Wealth and Money On The Table and In Your Competitors’ Wallets) Until You Really Listen To Your Customers/Clients … And Then Ignore Them! What? That probably violates everything you’ve ever been taught but without thinking about this you’re not getting the most from your marketing.  But… You’ve always been told that the ... Read More »

I Wonder If There Is A Way For You To Become More Persuasive?

In this case, the title is the technique. “I was just wondering…” When we demand/insist or order someone to do something, or to become more resourceful, or to learn something, there is a basic human tendency to resist. Ans resistance slows progress. However, when we simply “wonder” out loud about something we come in under the resistance radar and trigger, ... Read More »

How To Increase Small Business Revenues When The Economy Is Falling

Have you experienced a reduction in revenues since the economy started freezing up in July? Have you fallen victim to the ostrich approach of not paying attention and/or denying that the state of the economy effects you? Or, have you adopted the opposite problem mindset of becoming so obsessed with bad economic news that failure becomes a self fulfilling prophecy? ... Read More »