Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: reticular activating system

Are You Ignoring the Big Idea?

Have you ever been trying to help another person or yourself to get over a trauma, a limiting belief, or some negative experience and just had the sense that they believe that it will go on for ever and ever? Have you ever had a bad experience and suspected or told yourself that this is going to “last forever,” or ... Read More »

You Get What You Look For! Why That's True And What To Do About It

Have you ever noticed when you got exactly what you expected to get? Has there ever been a time when you thought about or feared a certain result from your efforts, only to be rewarded with the exact amount of failure that you were expecting or predicting? Ever had a great idea only to think “That’ll never work,” and it ... Read More »

The Invisible French Press – The Power of Expectation and How To Get What You Want (or Make Coffee Invisible)

“Where is my French press?” This was the question I shouted up the stairs or asked anyone who got near me. I had just read an article on making iced coffee and iced coffee cubes using a cold press method that yields tasty, strong (or diluted to your taste) and icy cold coffee refreshment during the summer months. (I’ll describe ... Read More »