Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: Perry Marshall

Perry Marshall & Dave Frees On Persuasion In Writing

Just a quick post to get you to take a look at my friend Perry Marshall’s recent article on the greed/generosity of entrepreneurs. I’ll give you the link to Perry Marshall’s brilliant piece of persuasion in a minute, but first, a few things to consider as you read: Persuasion in the Subject Line of Email Let’s start with the subject ... Read More »

I Wonder If There Is A Way For You To Become More Persuasive?

In this case, the title is the technique. “I was just wondering…” When we demand/insist or order someone to do something, or to become more resourceful, or to learn something, there is a basic human tendency to resist. Ans resistance slows progress. However, when we simply “wonder” out loud about something we come in under the resistance radar and trigger, ... Read More »