Saturday , 27 July 2024

Category Archives: Self Improvement

"I Already Know That" – Mental Profit Killers and How To Avoid Them

Have you ever started a book, listened to a minute or two of a speaker, or been casually chatting with an adviser on the phone and caught yourself saying, “I already know that” or “I’ve heard that before.” ? Well, that little voice and that little phrase can be the kiss of death when it comes to learning and doing ... Read More »

Perry Marshall & Dave Frees On Persuasion In Writing

Just a quick post to get you to take a look at my friend Perry Marshall’s recent article on the greed/generosity of entrepreneurs. I’ll give you the link to Perry Marshall’s brilliant piece of persuasion in a minute, but first, a few things to consider as you read: Persuasion in the Subject Line of Email Let’s start with the subject ... Read More »

Anger and Persuasion – Part II of II

If you’re just joining us in the conversation, the question is how do anger and anxiety effect your communication skills and in particular, your persuasiveness? My theory on this? Negatively for many reasons. Why? Your communications skills become limited by anger and anxiety. You are less creative and less flexible. Anger shows this and transmits some level of fear within ... Read More »

How Does Controlling Your Anger Make You More Persuasive? Just Ask That Angry Man – The Dalai Lama Part One of Two

Think about this: Have you ever been superbly or sublimely persuasive? Was there ever a time when you communicated with someone or with many people and when you were clear, confident, and the consummate leader? Did people just feel compelled to follow you – happily? Most humans can remember an experience like that at some point in our lives. Now, ... Read More »

The Power of Clear Communications and Persuasion

Are your skills of ethical influence, persuasion, and communication relevant in our constantly changing world? As it turns out, the ability to manage change may make the single biggest difference in the quality of your life, and your communications and persuasion skills might make the biggest difference in your ability to manage change. Pareto’s principle tells us that we should ... Read More »

The Business of Trust and What I Just Learned From Richard Branson, The Dalai Lama, and Stephen Covey

Doing business and running a profitable company, firm, practice, or corporation has never been more complex.  However, after spending an enlightening week with a number of political leaders, NGOs, and world business leaders I have a number of pointers, observations, strategies, and business tactics, thought provokers, and practical “to do” items that might just help you to feel better and ... Read More »

Negotiation and Persuasion – A New Strategy and Practice

Many people write to me, call me, or otherwise find ways of communicating to me (and to themselves) that they really aren’t good negotiators, persuaders, marketers, or communicators – yet. But, to be successful in anything that you undertake, you must be able to convince yourself and others to do things and to get things done. Why? You must become ... Read More »

Achieving The Beginer's Mind – Learning How To Learn and Do More

The experience of thinking that we know how to do something, or that we know more than we really do about a topic is almost universal.  How often have you started to read something, or to listen to a teacher, or speaker, and said to yourself “I already know that”? However, the sense that we already know can have the ... Read More »

Be Rigid and Inflexible About Your Flexibility

“I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times.” – Everett Dirksen In my program Persuasion2Profit and in my bookThe Language of Parenting I have referred to the skills and strategies of great persuaders and communicators. And, in both works, I emphasize the need for flexibility.  Flexibility is a ... Read More »

Progress Not Perfection – The Mindset of Making Progress and Getting Things Done

Want to get more done, and make your actions both more effective and when appropriate more profitable? Then these two meta strategies should be considered. Increasing your speed of implementation almost always results in greater success, and in order to improve the speed of implementation you must adopt the strategy of progress not perfection. Increasing data supports the idea that ... Read More »